Kate Thomas Leadership

It takes 3 Steps to Reset
This is where the magic happens. In just 12 weeks YOU feel lighter, brighter, clearer and on your path towards achieving your ambitions.
Sharpen your thinking, increase your agility, boost your energy.
It starts with YOU
An immersive experience, combining best in class leadership effectiveness expertise, executive coaching skills with an inside out wellbeing, mental fitness focus.
Explore | Expand | Energise
No more one step forward, two steps back
To move forward, create lasting change and forge the life that best serves you, it starts with you.
YOU are your own rock, this is YOU

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3 STEP RESET is for you if:
YOU need to change gears, do things differently but not sure which path will get you there
YOU are navigating challenging situations and leading effectively is hard to do consistently
YOU want to work out what is holding you back at a deeper unconscious level
YOU need to evaluate what to focus on so YOU stay on purpose and on-point
YOU want to join a network of like-minded leaders for motivation, momentum and ongoing membership
"One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things"
Henry Miller
"The very moments... we want people to think outside the box, they can't even see the box"
Richard Boyatzis
"The elimination of toxins awakens the capacity for renewal"
Deepak Chopra
Increase Your Leadership Effectiveness and Business Impact
3 Step Reset with Kate Thomas
Cut through the clutter –
create clarity and commitment to YOU
YOU show up, attend your leadership development programme, learn about yourself, listen to tips and techniques, feel motivated …YOU go back to work in flow and scroll forward a few months and flow starts to move to freeze – you’ve lost the momentum.
If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. Transformational change is challenging. It takes time, it takes testing, it takes tweaking, it takes 3 steps to reset
3 Step Reset has been designed to take you on an immersive experience that sticks. We don’t say goodbye and good luck after your 12 week programme. We want you to maintain motivation, experience momentum and a membership that keeps you on track.

This in your investment in YOU. It’s not a nice to do, good to do, I was told to do, style programme. YOU get out what you put in and if your skin is in the game the results are phenomenal.
3 Step Reset has been designed by Kate Thomas in collaboration to bring YOU an immersive experience that is transformative, focused on root cause change with lasting impact. Her experience of coaching executives through transition and running leadership development programmes to boost leadership effectiveness since 2013 is combined and brought to you in this one 12 week programme.
Kate has encouraged leaders to change gear and adjust how they work in the UK, Ireland, Asia, Australia and the US. Spending significant time within fast-growing markets and advising clients who are accelerating through change.
The opportunity to supercharge performance and leadership effectiveness starts with realising that what YOU know is only your ticket to play. It no longer defines success at a decision making level. Understanding who you are, what makes you tick and developing how you do what you do is the key to achieving goals.

Survival Mode Blocks the Ability to be Agile
With Kate Thomas
Join as a team -
Experience improved team performance and increased levels of trust.
Join as a group -
Experience group coaching within your network with peer-to-peer development.
Join as an individual -
Experience a high touch 1:1 executive coaching experience personalised to you.

Need to know more about Kate & NewlandRock...
Click HereKate's Journal:
Advance your effectiveness. My thoughts, tips and experiences – shared with you.
Click Here3 Step Reset
Explore | Expand | Energise in 12 weeks.
Sharpen your thinking,
Increase your agility,
Boost your energy.
To move forward, create lasting change and forge the life that bests serves you, it starts with you.
YOU are your own rock, this is YOU.
The first step of 3 Step Reset starts with YOU.
It’s the leaders that will design the trail and be responsible for making sure you are on the right track. When times get difficult, leaders will navigate and identify a route forward, a trail to ‘new land’ and an opportunity to grow –
YOU are your own leader. YOU need to understand the root cause of why you do what you do.

Achieve your true potential for professional success and personal fulfilment
This in your investment in YOU. It’s not a nice to do, good to do, I was told to do, style programme. YOU get out what you put in and if your skin is in the game the results are phenomenal.

One-to-One Executive Coaching sessions with Kate Thomas to delve deeper into who you are and what makes you tick.
We all have a goal and its different for everyone. Coaching is about provoking critical thinking to help you work towards your goal - to understand your thoughts, desires, frustrations and needs. A coaching partnerships triggers reflection, makes connections, arouses emotion, evaluates beliefs and helps YOU embrace fears.
Together, we will explore your unique context, incorporate neuroscience-based coaching techniques to create moments of self-discovery and co-create a next step path that is specific to your needs at that moment.
Coaching Approach Guide

If you’re not physically fit, you’d feel physical stress as you climb a steep hill. If you’re not mentally fit, you’d feel mental stress, such as anxiety, frustration, or unhappiness, as you handle challenges. Within 6-8 weeks of group-based mental fitness training, you’ll be able to see the results in MRI imaging. Breakthrough Results;
- increased grey matter in the region of your brain where your strength to expand lives
- decreased grey matter in the survivor brain region, where saboteur thoughts live.
In partnership with: The New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestseller…

Toxin overload inhibits productivity and adds pressure on our mental muscles. You’re not as effective or able to manage the stresses of leadership when your body is overburdened. The third step reset is to align your body with your goals. This step means the whole person is part of your commitment to reset and shift from survival mode.
Whilst our body is equipped to remove toxins naturally, there is strong evidence that suggests that the modern-day world creates such a high level of toxin exposure that our natural detoxification pathways get overburdened and lead to a toxin overload. Remove toxins and to boost gut health may be one of the most important leadership effectiveness tools available to us in the modern world. Gut health has a direct correlation with how your brain functions. This third step improves mental clarity and boosts your energy in only 9 days.
9 Day Reboot Programme
A life changing programme on so many levels
By focusing just 2% of your time each week, you can build your Mental Fitness and get the results you want in a way that brings deep fulfilment
Reduce the stress you place on yourself and your body
"This could be the most impactful development you have ever experienced. When I first recognised that my way of working, living, needed to change I wasn't sure where to start but I knew what was available in the market didn't fully turn the dial to make sure I was going in the right direction. I'd get so far and then have to look for another route to take me further."

Countdown to next programme....
Programmes start from £2750 (plus VAT)
Speak to Kate 1:1 on your fit for the programme
12 months free membership
3 Step Reset membership is complementary to all leaders who join this programme.
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